Personal Injury Lawyer in Washington, DC

The intrusion upon people's normal lives caused by unexpected accidents and resulting injuries often leave permanent scars for life. The financial upheaval and physical trauma can be catastrophic. When individuals are harmed by the irresponsible and careless behavior of others, the injured parties can hold the negligent ones accountable.

In an effort to help accident victims learn what their rights are, Dash Injury Law Firm offers a free consultation. There is no obligation, and the consultation can help injured individuals better understand how it is possible to achieve justice.

Personal Injury Lawsuits

When a person or entity's negligence causes injury to another, this becomes the basis for a personal injury lawsuit. The resulting physical, emotional, and financial damage can wreak long-term havoc on an individual's personal life, job opportunities, and family members.

When the assistance of a personal injury lawyer in Washington, DC is enlisted, justice can be pursued through the court system by filing a personal injury lawsuit. The case could reach an early settlement or proceed to trial. Either way, a couple of positives can result:

  • The injured victim receives justice and deserved financial compensation, and
  • The case can serve to discourage others from behaving in such a negligent manner.

Steps in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

After seeking and receiving medical care following the injury, an accident victim will need to follow some basic guidelines that are paramount in situations involving car accidents, slip and fall accidents, and other types of personal injuries.


Consult with an Attorney Seek the wisdom and legal counsel of an experienced personal injury lawyer in Washington, DC. This legal representative will be able to fully and accurately evaluate all aspects of the case and determine the best way to proceed. Additionally, this experienced lawyer will likely be able to closely estimate a potential settlement amount.


Build the Case After signing a retainer agreement between attorney and client, the legal team will begin by reviewing the entire case. Records will be requested, injuries will be evaluated, wages and employment history will be evaluated to establish loss, and the negative impact on the family will be documented.


Settlement Consultations The attorney will send a demand letter to the insurance company involved or to another accountable party. This document outlines the claim for damages. At this point, the opposing party or insurer might offer a sizable settlement figure. Often times, however, the figure offered by the insurance company will be much lower than the accident victim deserves.


Filing the Lawsuit If no appropriate settlement figure is reached, the victim's attorney can file a lawsuit in court to pursue a more accurate amount of compensation for the damages incurred.


Discovery At this point, attorneys from each side of the case must share all requested documents and evidence. Getting all possible documentation helps the victim's lawyer build a strong, provable case.

Trial If no settlement is reached by then, the case proceeds to a jury trial before a judge. The attorney may enlist expert witnesses as well as all eyewitnesses to fully argue the case.

The Attorney's Tasks

Without question, the person on the front line in the attempt to bring justice and obtain proper compensation is the victim's Washington, DC personal injury lawyer. Throughout the process outlined above, among the many strategic steps to be handled are:

  • Evaluate negligent behavior and resulting injuries sustained
  • Investigate the accident scene
  • Question witnesses
  • Obtain documentation
  • Counsel with medical experts
  • Review all videos, photos, and documents

Value of Personal Injury Lawsuit

The accident's circumstances, the severity of the injury, and insurance limits are key factors in determining a case's value. Other elements include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium (spouse's companionship)

Your personal injury lawyer in Washington, DC can help you determine the value of your lawsuit.

Contact Our Washington, DC Personal Injury Lawyers

Call Dash Injury Law Firm today at 888-(DASH-LAW) or complete an online contact form for a free consultation.

The information contained in these pages should not be taken as a substitute for legal advice and it is in fact not legal advice, especially as to cases which are highly fact-specific.